DV Videographer, Editor &

Sound Design. (Film)

Creative Development/Direction

& Assistant Director (Production)

London, United Kingdom 2017

"Twisted Home" is a personal project conceptualised for Danish fashion photographer Simone Steenberg that had its online premiere on VOGUE ITALIA and was featured on INDIE magazine.

The project explores themes of "sexuality" and "the domestic" in a humorous, surreal and subverted way through the playful displacement and rearrangement of everyday objects presented in six different scenarios. The production team consisted of twenty female creatives from London and elsewhere. 

Displayed below are quotes from six short scenes that were written by Megan and were used as the central creative ideas behind the project. 

Model: Ranny Cooper

Model: Ranny Cooper

Her hair was neatly tied back with rollers. Bananas poked through the tunnels of her hair. Her skin was dewy and cheeks blushed with flecks of peach..
Model: Angelina Jesson

Model: Angelina Jesson

Model: Nyaueth Riam

Model: Nyaueth Riam

The woman pulled back her long latex glove, placed the melon in front of her vagina and inserted two fingers into the fleshy fruit.
"Melon Massage"Model: María Bernad

"Melon Massage"

Model: María Bernad

Model: Naomi Shimada

Model: Naomi Shimada

There are a few objects hanging on the line, noticeably one large and lonely transparent dust sheet. It sways revealing a pair of legs.
Megan-Courtis-Naomi-Shimada-she walks the line
Model: Maria Metsalu

Model: Maria Metsalu

The knots untangled fast. She was having a good hair day today, she thought and heaved her right leg high, up onto the top of the ironing board. Legs spread wide. Open. Balanced, on one high heel, she gathered her hair from between her legs and spread it across the ironing board. Doing the ironing was always a pleasure and never a chore, she thought.
She was pure looking, like a lotus flower growing from a pool, unstained. Her hair snow white and lips tinged with fuschia. Elated and high up, she felt grounded there.
Model: Ranny Cooper

Model: Ranny Cooper


Model: Naomi Shimada

Wet and heavy, she lifts and drags it across the hills of her hips, the dips of her breasts and the hollow spaces behind her knees and in between her thighs.